
Channeling a spiritual approach to counseling: At Exodus Clinical Counseling Services, we encourage our clients to not just make lemonade out of lemons, but also take it to the next level. We provide them with counseling services that focus on diverse issues including. but not limited to:

We Specialize in These Areas:

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): A technique in which an experience that was traumatic or triggering is relived in brief doses while the therapist directs your eye movements. 

Grief Recovery Method: An action program for moving beyond death, divorce and other losses. Each program is guided by a trained specialist and runs in either a group or one-on-one setting. 

  • Adolescent Behavior
  • Anger Management
  • Communication and Relationship
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Drug and Alcohol Screening for Employment, Private, and Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • Drug and Alcohol Treatment
  • Family Development and Parenting
  • Premarital and Couple Counseling
  • Professional Assessments
  • Stress Reduction
  • Self-Esteem Building
  • Spiritual Clarification

Individual Counseling

Patients undergoing individual counseling meet with our specialists in a private setting to better address their issue. This lasts a maximum of 90 days and is sometimes accompanied by group counseling sessions.

Group Counseling

For this option, we accept up to 12 patients per session. We have a specifically designed curriculum to teach patients the value of abstaining and to guide them through the process. More importantly, this curriculum shows patients how their use affects their family.

Video Therapy

We provide this service to support emergency first-responders; law enforcement officers; pastoral ministries; sports and entertainment communities.

Family Counseling

Find support when you need it with our family counseling sessions. The outcomes of our programs involve having insight into one’s behavior and developing a more positive and adaptive attitude in social situations. Begin any of our counseling sessions and start mending relationships today.

Treatment & Insurance

Our treatment modality centers on a holistic approach to counseling. We are dedicated to helping people get back on the right track and restore their broken relationships. Get in touch with us in Willoughby, Ohio to request a consultation or to learn more about our treatment program. We currently work with the following insurance companies:




Medical Mutual



Value Options


Get In Touch


(440) 516-0281


Let Us Know What's On Your Mind

Exodus Clinical Counseling Services is dedicated to helping people get back on the right track and restore their broken relationships. Get in touch with us in Willoughby, Ohio to request a consultation or to learn more about our treatment program.